Query Einstein’s Explanation of Two Experimental Results

Yang shi-jia
Jinchang Normal School in Gansu Province (737100 China)
Email yashijia @163.com

[Abstract] A moving magnet can’t drive the magnetic field .Einstein had explanted the phenomenon of the single pole induction, which evades and covers up the physical essence of the matter whether or not the magnetic force lines turn when the magnet turns; Einstein had explanted the experimental result of a atom clock sailing round the earth, which can’t reveal the mechanism of substance action that the atomic clocks become slow. Einstein’s explanation is not in keeping with the theory of relativity that had been set up by oneself -contradict the principle of relatively , the theory of relativity is self –contradictory .Infer a new explanation; suggest reform the experiment; predicate to get a new conclusion

[Key words] magnet can’t drive magnetic field electric current atomic clock run slowly the relativity contradictory

Comment on the Phenomenon of the Single Pole Induction

      Such as the figure one: there is cylinder magnet, it can conduct electricity, it’s two magnetic poles are A and B, the magnet is revolving round the axis of symmetry AD with a equal angle speed; AVB is a conduct line and keeping static in a laboratory, it’s one end is touched with the magnetic pole A and can slide, another is touched with the equator of the magnet (point B) and can slide. The experiment expresses, there is a stability electric current passing through the return circuit VBCA.

I Support the Faraday’s Standpoint

      Faraday considers that the lines of magnetic force around a magnet don’t go along with it when it turns, that is to say, the line of magnetic force keeps motionless in the laboratory, so, the part magnet BCA of the return circuit AVBCA is a conductor moving in the magnetic field, the conductor cuts off the lines of magnetic force to produce a electric potential difference, which result in a steady electric current passing through the return circuit AVBCA.

      Obviously, Faraday’s standpoint tallies with the theory and experiment that a moving magnet can’t drive the magnetic field, which proved by the article

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II Oppose Weber’s Standpoint

      Weber’s standpoint fight against Faraday’s standpoint entirely, Weber considers that the lines of magnetic force go along with the turning magnet ,the moving lines of magnetic force cut off the conductor AVB keeping motionless in the laboratory to produce a electric potential difference , which result in a steady electric current passing through AVBCA.

      Obviously, Weber’s standpoint is contrary to the theory and experiment that a moving magnet can’t drive the magnetic field, which proved by the article.

III Criticize Einstein’s Explanation

(I) Einstein’s Explanation

In 1905, Einstein written a article, this article applied the transformation of electromagnetic field between two inertial system to explained the phenomenon of the single pole induction.
According to Maxwell-Minkowski’s electromagnetic theory, using approximation of 1st degree, equation of variation of electromagnetic field is

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    Among which, E′and B′are amount of field that is a motionless reference frame K′to magnet (E′= 0).Certainly, strictly speaking, equation (1) is only applicable to a inertial system, but when angular velocity isn’t too great, it can be overlooked that the rotation influence electromagnetic effect, equation (1) can be applied approximately to the condition that the magnet rotates slowly.

    According to (1), in the motionless reference frame K to the laboratory, electric field exists in the conductor AVB.

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    Therefore, the electric currentqeeoter-04.gif (1018 字节)(Ohm’s law) is produced, the electric potential difference between two ends of the conductor AVB is

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This electric potential difference result in the steady electric current passing through the return circuit AVBCA (in equation (2), qeeoter-06.gif (891 字节)is the angular velocity of magnet).

(II) Criticize Einstein’s Explanation

① Criticize the process of inference

    As the author see it, Einstein’s explanation is only a superficial explanation, it evades and covers up the physical essential problems whether or not the lines of magnetic fore round the magnet rotates along with the magnet when the magnet rotates, and is a pure mathematical hypothesis and inference, its process doesn’t disclose the corresponding mechanism of material function, and doesn’t reveal the true source of producing electric current .This can’t give satisfaction to a person.

    In fact ,Einstein’s explanation supposes that E′and B′are amount of field that is a motionless reference frame K′to magnet in the conductor AVB (E′= 0), E and B are amount of field that is a motionless reference frame K to laboratory in the conductor AVB, v is the relative velocity of the reference frame K′to the reference frame K, is the relative velocity of medium to the reference frame K.

    Obviously, Einstein’s explanation admits that medium keeps motionless relatively to the reference frame K′and rotates relatively to the reference frame K ,it equals that the lines of magnetic force keeps motionless relatively to the reference frame K′and rotates relatively to the reference frame K are admitted. Therefore, Einstein’s explanation equals admitting Weber’s standpoint, in fact, it can’t evade and cover up the physical essential problems whether or not the lines of magnetic fore round the magnet rotates along with the magnet when the magnet rotates; Einstein’s explanation admits Weber’s standpoint and supposes E′= 0, it is self-contradictory .

    ② Criticize the result of inference

    According to Einstein’s result of inference: seeing from the reference frame K′, E′= 0 in the conductor AVB ,there isn’t electric current passing through the return circuit AVBCA ; If a light bulb is joined to the return circuit AVBCA, the light bulb doesn’t give out light. Seeing from the reference frame K, qeeoter-07.gif (1062 字节)in the conductor AVB, there is electric currenqeeoter-04.gif (1018 字节)passing through the return circuit AVBCA; If a light bulb is joined to the return circuit AVBCA, the light bulb give out light.

    In the same laboratory ,a observer who keeps motionless relatively to the reference frame K′can’t see the light bulb to give out light ,but a observer who keeps motionless relatively to the reference frame K can see the light bulb to give out light, this isn’t conform to the existing fact absolutely .It is thus obvious that Einstein’s explanation is self-contradictory to his theory of relativity - it is self-contradictory to the principle of relativity.

       Query Einstein’s Explanation about the Experimental Result of an Atom Clock Sailing Round the Earth

    Within the experimental error, the experimental result of a atom clock sailing round the earth is considered comforting to the value of prediction of the relativity’s effect of expansion of time (in fact, the error is big), but only in the relative static inertial system to the earth’s axis, this effect can give out right prediction, in other reference frame, the effect can’t give out right prediction .Therefore, theory of relativity is full of contradictions

I The Explanation of the Relativity of Narrow Sense

    Such as the figure two: according to the effect of expansion of time of the relativity of narrow sense and effect of red movement of the generalized relativity, what the total effect predicts is

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    On the right, the first term is contribution of gravitation, which is always positive, so, the atomic clock on the ground is slower then the atomic clock in the air; The second term and third term are the effect of kinematics, whether or not the third term among them is positive depends on the direction of flying velocity: If a atomic clock flies toward east, this term is negative; If a atomic clock flies toward wes , this term is positive.

    In 1971, Hafele and Keating completed this of experiment, within the experimental error, these results conforms to the value of prediction of equation (3) (see table one)

II Query Einstein’s Explanation
(I) The error in logic of Einstein’s explanation

    On the right of the formula (3), whether or not the third term is positive depends on the direction of flying velocity: If a atomic clock flies toward east, this term is negative; If a atomic clock flies toward west, this term is positive. The velocity of the flying atomic clock isn’t relative, the atomic clock doing circular motion becomes slow in the relative static inertial system to the earth’s axis, the bigger the tangential velocity is, the slower the atomic clock goes; Especially, when two atomic clock flies separately with two kind of velocities having equal size and opposite direction in same circumferential orbit, between the two atomic clocks have relative motion, but their reading is same when they meet again.

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Table one Comparison between the Experimental Result of the Atomic Clock Sailing round the Earth and the Theoretical Prediction

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    In a word , in Einstein’s explanation, we must distinguish between the flying of toward east and west - In the relative static reference frame K , when the airplane flies toward east , the atomic clock in the airplane is slower then the atomic clock on the ground; When the airplane flies toward west, the atomic clock in the airplane is faster then the atomic clock on the ground. It is thus obvious that Einstein’s explanation must distinguish between two kinds of inertial systems that keep relatively motionless and motion to the earth’s axle, this is self-contradictory to the principle of relativity. This exposes the contradiction of the theory of relativity fully. Therefore, the experimental result of an atomic clock sailing round the earth can’t prove that the theory of relativity is right, just the opposite, this experimental result can prove exactly that the theory of relativity is wrong.

(II) The essential defect of Einstein’s explanation

    Einstein’s explanation is only a pure mathematical hypothesis and inference, it doesn’t disclose the true souse that that the atomic clock becomes slow or quick - It doesn’t disclose the mechanism of material function that a atomic clock becomes slow or quick. For example, your watch becomes slow or quick, which can’t be explained to be that the time becomes slow or quick.

III Infer a New Explanation

    Einstein’s explanation doesn’t disclose the mechanism of material function that a atomic clock becomes slow or quick, in the experiment, the atomic clocks become slow only if the clock flies relatively to the relative static inertial system to the earth’s axle; According to the thesis that a moving magnet can’t drive the magnetic field which have been proved by this article, we get: when the earth rotates ,the geomagnetic field doesn’t turns round its axle .Therefore, It is a effect of function of geomagnetic field that the atomic clocks sailing round the earth become slow in the relative static reference frame K to the earth’s axle - Moving in the geomagnetic field ,the atomic clocks become slow ,which is the effect of kinematics; The intensity of geomagnetic field changes along with the altitude, which produces “contribution of gravitation”.

    In order to test the above – mentioned inference, the author suggest append magnetic field to the side of the atomic clock that used for this experiment, make the direction of the additional magnetic field and the direction of the geomagnetic field to be identical or opposite (when their direction are opposite, make the additional magnetic field counteract the geomagnetic field exactly), do this experiment again .It is estimated that we can get a new result.

    Certainly, we can do a similar experiment in a laboratory, that is to say, laying a atomic clock in a magnetic field, we observe whether or not the atomic clock goes slow, and can study further the relations between the rate of the atomic clock and the intensity of the additional magnetic field.

    Moreover ,the author suggest do an experiment that a atomic clock sails separately towards the south magnetic pole and the north magnetic pole round the earth in order to discover the true source that the atomic clock becomes slow or quick .

Reference literature:
1 Zhang yuan-zhong, Experimental Basis of the Relativity of Narrow Senesce, page 61-65, page 99-101 scientific publishing house, 1994.
2 Restore the Hypothesis “Ether” to Establish a Model of the Magnetic Field . http://xdl2003.xiloo.com/
3 Yang shi-jia, The Research about a Moving Magnet can’t Drive the Magnetic Field

[A Brief Introduction of the Author] A male senior instructor, who was born in February 1963, has been studying the theory of relativity since 1980, and find out some problems of the experimental basis and mathematical logic of the theory of relativity. And about the research result , there are three thesis : The Formulaqeeoter-11.gif (1137 字节), is Untenable to Michelson’s Experiment ; Restore the Hypothesis “Ether” to Explain the Two Different Types of Dual Property of Wave and Particle from Different Resources ; Restore the Hypothesis “Ether” to Establish a Model of the Magnetic Field .

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